IDS goes to W&P Select – better late than never?!

After last week’s post where we confirmed IDS WOULD be attending  the W&P Select on Sept 4;  we now have yet a further update!!

Sheila Gilmore MP yesterday wrote

“I am afraid that IDS is now NOT coming to the meeting on September 4.  This was always going to be a session on the Department’s annual report as well as the statistics and apparently the Annual Report is not ready. A new date is being sought but this is now unlikely to be before October, which is extremely disappointing”

Clearly this is NOT what we want but there’s nothing we can do except continue with our plans to formally submit our petition to Parliament; actual date to follow; this is disappointing to say the least but it makes our petition all the more relevant as it reads –  “Work & Pensions Committee: Hold IDS to account for his use of statistics“.

Entering 100,492+ signatures into the Commons should help the members of the W&P Select ensure that IDS DOES attend in Oct & that he IS held to account. So we ask you all to continue to work with and share, Tweet ,talk about the petition and let’s do everything we can to make sure IDS DOES is made to answer for his Untruths and to remind Parliament WE the People Deserve the TRUTH!