DWP: fake psych ‘test’ training given by unqualified ‘experts’

Have you been disturbed by the DWP using fake psychometric testing on people claiming Job Seekers Allowance?

If like me you find the saga distressing and disturbing read this –WP: fake psych ‘test’ training given by unqualified ‘experts’. another blinder from Swawkbox

Just when will this Government stop Lying to us and treating unemployed people and other benefits claimants as if we’re the one’s repeatedly telling untruths???

A Tory Success? – Real Poverty in the UK 2013!

I like most people I know was stunned by the latest revelation to come out of the mouth of Lord Fraud (Freud), denying any links between the scathing Cuts of Welfare Reform & the meteorological rise in the use of Foodbanks.

My thoughts & feelings on this vile man and his opinions, seemingly shared by the whole Tory Party are brilliantly described in this blog by Skwawkbox, Freud: Foodbank dunce – or devil?.

And if you still aren’t convinced by the argument there always Tesco’s own survey which finds “18% of people in the UK have suffered from some form of food poverty, including skipping meals” posted in the latest  Tom Pride blog aptly named “Third-World Britain” 

What terrifies me is attitudes and behaviour such as this by Freud have become commonplace; and the people forced to experience this debasement seem to have become literally petrified.

I can only hope that another favourite blogger is correct as she asserts people “in mercifully growing numbers, rail loudly in physical and etheric throngs, against all manner of Common and localised injustices” ; I so hope you’re as spot on as usual Juli.