Coming Soon: The privatised sick note service that will email you back to work

Yet Another Tory Greed Scheme to cut Funding from people who become ill.
As David says in his conclusion This new development needs watching.

Westminster Confidential

In two months time the traditional doctor’s note excusing you from work will start to cease being valid if you are still sick after four weeks.

Just before Parliament went into the summer recess welfare reform minister, Lord Freud, announced that a US multinational company,Maximus, which also operates in Canada and Saudi Arabia will take over running the new Health and Work Service for England and Wales.

My report in this week’s Tribune  reveals that up to one million people will be affected by the change which appears to be aimed to save the government money.

Maximus runs call centres, occupational health programmes, child support and job seekers programmes abroad and in the United Kingdom.

The programme is to be rolled out from November to next May aims to save up to £165 million a year by getting people back to work faster as part of Lord Freud’s welfare…

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3 thoughts on “Coming Soon: The privatised sick note service that will email you back to work

  1. These idiots in power can’t save money full stop, they waste and give away our money to any other country or their people with no questions asked.
    Where has all the £billions gone? They have cut all the budgets by £billions, so where has it gone? All the money they have stolen from the sick and disabled, the pensioners, the unemployed, the poor and the low paid?.

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