the texture of water and faulty batteries.

If you Suffer from Chronic Fatigue or Brain Fog – You might well recognise this
A short story to help explain the Pain of Depression from my Wonderful Daughter – Nix xx


Ever tried to describe the texture of water to someone?

Or the sensation of light?

It’s almost impossible isn’t it?

It’s a bit like that when you are trying to explain chronic pain and fatigue to a healthy person; And when you try to explain the the turbulent relationship of these symptoms and a recurring or constant mental heath problem and you might as well be describing the aforementioned analogies to a bat, in Latin.

However I shall attempt to try (not in Latin by the way).

Imagine your body as a car, you have a battery that works all the electronics; they are your brain and your nerves: you have a radiator that regulates the temperature, you have lights that are the like your thought processes and so on.

Now when the car battery is beginning to ware out, it struggles to keep its charge.

If you are not…

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It’s time to unite, not to advocate more boundary changes

I’ve called for disabled/sick people to come together regularly through my blogs; this is a great summary of the reasons why we should Unite and Not allow the rhetoric of Gov or anyone else to divide us.

Making rights make sense

A quick reply to Sue Marsh’s important post earlier today.

People cannot exist, let along get on in life, while enduring grinding poverty. And one needs only look at levels of poverty and material deprivation among disabled people to recognise that in the UK and internationally the right to live life free of poverty is rarely realised.  People are absolutely right to oppose the reforms underway because they are not doing anything to alleviate or eradicate poverty.  The current programme of welfare reform is in fact making matters worse.  That – in my personal view – is not a matter for debate.

What is a matter for debate is setting out a viable alternative and how to win the political and public argument for it.   A few principles that I suspect – hope – we all agree on:

People with impairments and health conditions:

  • Have the right…

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