IDS & his beloved statistics

Are there ANY Statistics from the DWP that are TRUE???

This MUST be STOPPED – Sign & Join the TRUTH Campaign

#ImpeachDWP #NOWPetition

The lovely wibbly wobbly old lady

Reposted from Ilegal

Now, we all know how Iain Duncan Smith loves his statistics, no matter how inaccurate they may be.

However, the brilliant Nick at Ilegal proves (once again) that IDS has been, er how can I put this … economical with the truth when it comes to the statistics in relation to Employment Support Allowance.

Start with a figure of…..


This is the number of people who have claimed the dreaded Employment & Support Allowance between October 2008 & August 2013.  You can easily check the numbers here

Now check the number of people coming off the dreaded Employment & Support Allowance for exactly the same dateshere.  If you add them all up, the number you will come up with is this:


No, I’ve not got them the wrong way round.  Thousands upon thousands more claimants have made a claim for Employment &…

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