Reducing Unemployment To Zero Neither Feasible Nor Desirable Says Iain Duncan Smith’s Think Tank

“Whilst reducing unemployment to zero is neither feasible nor desirable” – This astonishing admission from IDS’s ‘Experts’ is maybe the Greatest Reason to Join the TRUTH Campaign. –

The Lies fed to us by Government and in particular from IDS & the DWP, are precisely those used to justify the horrors of Welfare Reform

#ImpeachDWP #NOWPetition

the void

CSJThe think tank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has let the cat out of the bag and admitted that reducing unemployment to zero is neither feasible or desirable.

The comments come in the latest report from the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), the madcap Christian dominated think tank that came up with Universal Credit. The CSJ praises George Osborne’s drive for full employment (stop laughing) but points out that this does not mean everyone should have a job, but that employment levels remain at a level which does not cause inflation.

The problem for the CSJ, and George Osborne, is that if work was in plentiful supply then the bastards would have to pay us properly.  That is why real full employment is neither feasible nor desirable to the people who profit from our work.  Capitalism cannot function without unemployment but still unemployed people are not just blamed for…

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One thought on “Reducing Unemployment To Zero Neither Feasible Nor Desirable Says Iain Duncan Smith’s Think Tank

  1. I am sure they would consider it most undesirable because the last thing THEY want is to have to pay a fair wage for a fair days work. Don’t forget WE employ them to manage fairly and if they don’t WE vote for change. This government remind me more of a dictatorship than government.

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