The Conspicuous Absence of IDS

In the words of Debbie Sayers, my Hold Ids to Account campaign buddie –

Back in June we had reason to feel positive our petition asking the work and pensions select committee to hold IDS to account for his use of statistics had reached 100,000 and we had been told that the committee wanted to tie it in to the end of year review of the DWP so they had all the facts at their disposal. A date would be forthcoming…

Time dragged on  and in June we were told MR Smith had cancelled because the end of year review was still not ready…

Time dragged on…

and once in July again the appointment was cancelled with the promise of something in the autumn…

Time dragged on…

and in September we were told November but…

Time is still dragging on and now on the 31st of October 2013, and we’re told it will be December…

That means the end of 2013, the 2011/12 Annual Report from the DWP will be eight months late… Yes that’s right EIGHT MONTHS late why is nobody shouting about this… well I guess we are…

I’M wondering why the press AREN’T wondering what’s going on, why MP’s AREN’T asking questions…

So I’m calling on everyone for help can we start making a noise about this can we tweet #whereisIDS #DWPLateReview

 I would also ENCOURAGE  everyone to start writing to their MP, asking why the DWP’s end of annual report is nearly eight months late… and asking when he will be seeing the Work and Pensions Select Committee in person. We don’t want his juniors to be answering questions we want him to explain what is going on Ultimately Mr Smith is responsible for his DEPARTMENT not Mr Penning or Ms Mcvey…

When a whole department can’t be held responsible and circumvents the balance and checks process we should all sit up and pay attention

Perhaps MR Smith thinks he is above answering questions… Perhaps he’s busy… either way time should be made to get the review in and discuss its good points and short comings… that’s the process that’s the job if he doesn’t like it perhaps he should resign…

Thank you all for your continued support of Debbie and myself, I assure you we are doing all we can to push for this and any help you can give us, and MPs like Sheila Gilmore who is also fighting to get IDS to committee is very much appreciated… I’d just like to take this opportunity to once again thank all those that have helped with the campaign fund… We  plan to be using it soon 🙂

36 thoughts on “The Conspicuous Absence of IDS

  1. Reblogged this on Vox Political and commented:
    Get tweeting, folks: #whereisIDS and #DWPLateReview
    Vox Political has been waiting for this meeting, with almost as much impatience as Jayne and Debbie, but it seems Iain doesn’t want to come out and play! Let’s ask why.


  2. there have been so many deaths of the sick and disabled the past 3 years under IDS I’m sure he’s feeling the heat at this time and wont ever be appearing before the committee as once these deaths have been announced in public at that committee that’s the finish of him


  3. I’ll blog and write to my MP, but IDS does put himself above everyone, including the PM. I personally think he’s on his way to a breakdown – but hey, ho, who the hell cares!


  4. Reblogged this on kickingthecat and commented:
    It would be great if IDS just did one. Dissapeared never came back. After all his government was never actually elected. But whilst he is a minister he should be held accountable for his despicable actions. An annual report from a large dept such as the DWP, should be a national disgrace. IDS unwillingness to stand up in a venue where is lies can be challenged demonstrates is moral cowardice….


  5. Reblogged this on Christopher John Ball and commented:
    As Jayne has stated, Iain Duncan Smith has to be brought to account for his misuse of statistics or ‘lies’ as my mother would have more accurately called them. He cannot keep putting off answering for his actions to the Works and Pensions Select Committee – if he will not come of his own accord, he must be dragged there. His lies have had a pernicious impact upon a large section of the population of this country. He is also costing the UK money with his poorly thought out schemes, drawn from his own prejudices, and aimed at rebuilding his reputation with the right-wing of the Conservative Party who had previously rejected his leadership in a vote of no confidence.

    I urge people to get tweeting and demand that Iain Duncan Smith be brought to account for his actions and that they use the hash tags #whereisIDS and #DWPLateReview


  6. Pingback: The Conspicuous Absence of IDS | bottomfacedotcom

  7. i cannot wait for the odious smith to be brought before the committee and for his evil lies and actions to be laid bare. it might even make people aware that he is only a small part of his party that actively encourages what he is doing,which makes the nasty party devolve into the very very nasty evil party.come back guy fawkes.


  8. Many thanks for this invaluable update Mike.I was increasingly concerned at the silence over this very issue myself.I don`t Twitter but will get a letter off to my M.P. tomorrow at the latest.I get the distinct impression that using delaying tactics in this process,for what gain i know not at the moment.


  9. I watched a DWP committee meeting a couple of days ago on the role of JCP …at the end Anne Begg said “The Minister” (??) will be in front of us on 20th Nov. …. did she mean IDS i wonder ?


  10. Pingback: Jayne Linney on the conspicuous absence of IDS | OzHouse

  11. Pingback: The Continuing Conspicuous Absence of IDS | Warcraft, Books & Fibromyalgia

  12. Pingback: The Conspicuous Absence of IDS | jaynelinney « this 'n that

  13. hello Jayne, I’m speaking to you from the linen cupboard in Iain Duncan Smith’s mansion. It was here this afternoon that investigators found the man in question in a dubious state of incomprehension. It appears that Iain remains alive but barely alert to the issues that are currently problematic to him. He denounces all decisions by the Courts, claiming Judges have no real life experience unlike him who has served valuable time in the forces as well as gaining high quality qualifications in Italian Universities.
    He continued to question the doubters who complain that none of his policies are working. He argues that more disabled people are in work now than ever before due to his benefit cap. He claims his Department is famous for its considered way in which it treats people and helps people achieve their aims. He doesn’t remember who that Cat woman is but thinks he was right to challenge her and was proved correct by him winning his appeal. he also thinks that the extra £100 million pound overspend will not prove to be a hurdle because all the money will be clawed back anyway from the stringent policies he has to help everyone be wonderful.
    Iain has now gone back to folding the bed linen and putting it on the shelf.
    Thanks and Back to the studio


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