Morning Star :: Pushed to the brink | The People’s Daily

Contains a segment I totally relate to – this happened to me too:

“I was made to feel incredibly uncomfortable throughout the assessment and there was no concern or compassion shown by my assessor. I was then asked if I had attempted suicide in the past and if so to provide details,” she recalls.

Kirby was also asked how often she thought about killing herself each week, and finally: “Can you tell me why you haven’t killed yourself yet?”

She was left absolutely distraught after the assessment and despite answering questions on suicide was not signposted to any services for further support.

“These questions were not necessary or relevant to my assessment, and my answers made no difference to the points I was awarded,” Kirby tells me, adding that she finds the behaviour of Atos and the DWP irresponsible and extremely unsafe.”

A Genuine MUST & massive THANK YOU Ruth 


Source: Morning Star :: Pushed to the brink | The People’s Daily

9 thoughts on “Morning Star :: Pushed to the brink | The People’s Daily

  1. Brown envelope on the doorstep arrived
    It said an “Invitation” to claim for PIP
    Of my “Lifetime” Award I was deprived
    Means to survive they meant to strip

    Mental Health Problems? Suicide tried?
    Why are you still alive? The Physiotherapist asked
    My failure in death? Explanations, I must provide
    His sneers and ridicule barely masked

    His bonus in mind my failure he did contrive
    The report full of lies and speculation
    Zero points. Not enough to be worthy of being alive
    Of my ultimate demise it laid the foundation

    For the lives being lost they live in denial
    For the lives they have taken they must stand trial…

    Liked by 3 people

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