The Tenacity of Us Working Class

If you’re wondering why I’ve been so quiet, I’ve been ill, just a regular virus that most people get in winter; the difference is its taken me a couple of month to get back to anywhere near normal, even for me. Due to my varying health issues, including an auto-immune disorder, regular colds and other usual ailments have a tendency to knock the proverbial stuffing out of me; and then, just as I begin to physically heal…Bang, the depression enters, demanding every ounce of attention and strength.

Depression is a strange thing it means different things to each of us who know it; for me He is like a jealous spouse, He wants me all to himself, and should I try to make contact with others – He raves, stamping, shouting, reminding me of all my faults and shortcomings until I yield, and agree I’m only complete with Him alone. This circle continues, wearing me down, until something or someone gets through the fugue; this happened for me today.

Getting up as usual, I began browsing the online press and in The Guardian I came across the words “how working class people became the ‘problem” and I felt a vestige of life. I’m not going into the details of the piece you can read that for yourself, but the author Lisa McKenzie’s description of her life in Nottingham in the 80’s resonated with me, this could have been my life she was writing about. I found the piece evocative, it rekindled memories of the energy and companionship I felt then, as a part of the campaigns against the Tories, and Ms McKenzie’s anger at the Class prejudice of successive Governments, aroused my own rage at injustice; allowing me enough energy to shut Him up, at least for now.

My experience as the working class girl ‘done good’ is one I treasure, in so much as despite not sitting my O levels as I was preparing to become a (very) young mum, I was still able to access local quality community projects; therein finding the support to develop the knowledge, skills and experience to run my own projects, and to enter university as a mature student. This is only dampened by the facts that similar opportunities are gone, victims of Local Government Cuts, themselves a response to current Austerity Agenda and that my own ill health has forced me to return to poverty. Having said that without my working class background and ethics, I’m not sure He could be quietened.

There is a major incongruity in all of  this, We “working classes” so despised by the ruling elite, are the very people who carry out the tasks and provide the labour essential to maintaining the lifestyles and status of those who denounce us through their media. We are essential for the wealth of the nation, and unless We can work, pay taxes and invest our earnings the elite will ultimately pay the greatest price.

As David Cameron in his most hypocritical speech yet said:

‘When we say ‘we are all in this together’ that is not a cry for help, but a call to arms. Society is not a spectator sport.’ This is your country. It’s time to believe it. It’s time to step up and own it. So mine is not just a vision of a more powerful country. It is a vision of a more powerful people. The knowledge in the heart of everyone – everyone – that they are not captive to the circumstances of their birth, they are not flotsam and jetsam in the great currents of wealth and power, they are not small people but big citizens.’

Cameron, 2010, describing the Big Society

I can’t help but wonder, when reading this did Cameron dare for one moment to consider what might occur should people actually believe it; imagine a nation where everyone felt they had a role? Disabled people were adequately supported financially for them to participate as full citizens, poverty didn’t exist, the rich invested their money in the nation and not overseas tax havens, every adult had a home of their own and a purpose, children were taught to expect their Rights in return for them being responsible; and Everyone respected another as a human, irrespective of skin colour culture, lifestyle or belief.

That is My idea of Society, how about you?

26 thoughts on “The Tenacity of Us Working Class

  1. Well said, I agree with you on many counts, good health to you and thank you for your insight and information you bring to my attention most helpful.


  2. I’ve always said Jayne.
    We dig the clay,
    We make the bricks,
    We build the buildings,
    We extract the ores,
    We make the tools
    We dig, grow, pick and feed,
    Every now and again a little pipsqueak of a prat like Camoron pipes up that’s mine.
    We clean,
    We heal,
    We teach,
    We defend,
    We police,
    We put them where they are, and they will bite the hand once too often,
    We put it all up,
    We can rip it all down,
    They only have to go too far once, and their like will disappear forever.
    They should all be very afraid the word is getting out there.
    We are the army,
    We are the navy,
    We are the technicians
    And they are in our sights.
    Stay well flower don’t let them grind you down.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Jayne

    I concur with everything you have said about the working class. Your peice calls to mind the first world war adage: Its Tommy this and Tommy that and kick him hard the brute But it good old British Tommy when the guns begin to shot.

    Vote Labout at the next election.

    Kind Regards

    Mr E Dalby

    Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:16:50 +0000 To:

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Glad you are better.

    Working class is mixed up today. It is not about a self identifier of a working class society, but about being poor on 20 per cent lowest income.

    All the pension and welfare reforms affect us in poverty the worst, threatening freezing and starving, because we are on a cliff-edge financially.

    The working class by poverty are the problem for political types, because they are doing everything in their power, to physically wipe us out.

    Meanwhile all MPs of all parties get an 11 per cent pay rise, when most are millionaires, sharing betwen 650 MPs about £100 million in expenses a year, above and above their salaries.

    Working class are not the under-class that is the tiny minority of career criminals, but that is what posh folk think the working class all are.

    We see the truth from 1 million benefit sanctions, but only about 900,000 referrals to food banks in a year. So the criminals, who never starve as have their nefarious lives, are only about 100,000 adults.

    And not content with going after working class by poverty of all ages, they design a flat rate state pension 2016 that will leave huge numbers of poor men and women with
    even if you have paid National Insurance all your working life.

    See why under my petition in the Why This is important section at:

    Welcome to my world. And I have been working class for all the generations of my family’s history in this land. I think we’ve been here for about 11,000 years. Before then we had an ice age and nobody lived here.

    But then I’m told we’ve got global warming, when I more frozen than a lot of winters today.


  5. Reblogged this on Notes from the north and commented:
    As regular readers may be aware, my thoughts relating to society are somewhat contradictory and complex. Recently, as many will be aware i’ve began to attempt to study sociology, however i’m at a very basic stage. However, I am finding as I am reading more that my views can be changeable at times, and not as fixed as perhaps I was. There are of course issues relating to oppression and abuse which I still believe are closely linked to conservatism as an ideology, then there are the questions of whether other people regard society as important as each other. Some see the individual as more important, some see society as more important, these need to be balanced, otherwise at one end you can find a society like North Korea, while at the other a society like the USA. Nevertheless, in what I would describe as a “civilised society” there would be no homelessness, no one would die from starvation, or be “sanctioned” by the state for seemingly arbitrary “offences”. Society has a duty towards those who are least fortunate and more vulnerable, towards sick and disabled people etc… those who would disagree I would suggest are more individualist than society orientated. Those at the other extreme who would call for more state intervention, more sanctions, etc, are more conservatively minded, which is ironic really when they also mainly espouse such individualism. Society is very complex isn’t it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Jayne, sorry to hear that you’ve been going through it. Depression can be such a horrible thing, sometimes worse than other things at times, can’t it. Hope that you’re feeling relatively better now? Nice to see your post. Best wishes as always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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