SO, The Archbishop offers platitudes to Mail Readers

Apologies in advance to any protestant Christians.

I’m Livid, the bloody Eton schooled Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has finally spoke up on people going hungry here in the UK ; so what does he do, writes in the Mail on Sunday. He use this space to preach about bigger foodbanks, a rise in the minimum wage, free school meals all year round and making it harder to sanction benefit recipients.

I admit as an atheist, I think the only point of Churches are as Historical buildings, linked to a time of blind obedience to a richer man; and the sanctimonious drivel from Welby  has not changed my opinion.

If this man was really worried about the poorer people

  • he’d be leading an inquiry into WHY we need Foodbanks not talking of expending them
  • he’d be campaigning for a decent Living Wage not a mere increase of the minimum;
  • he’d by demanding to know WHY people on benefits are bring treated as forth class citizens and
  • he’d by instructing his churches to pay taxes on their income.

This would be something worth writing about?

13 thoughts on “SO, The Archbishop offers platitudes to Mail Readers

  1. “he’d be leading an inquiry into WHY we need food banks” – He hosted the launch of the APPG Inquiry into food poverty in Britain.
    “he’d be campaigning for a decent Living ” both Archbishops do this and the Archbishop of York chaired a commission on this.
    “he’d by demanding to know WHY people on benefits are bring treated as forth class citizens”
    I don’t know if he’s spoken on this.
    “he’d by instructing his churches to pay taxes on their income.” Churches are exempt charities but there investments are treated like anyone else’s. The CofE gets no favoirs in the law.


  2. He was Bishop of Durham, very briefly, before getting promoted.

    Someone once said that the C of E is the Tory party at prayer, and a quick look at Welby’s family history, as presented by wikipedia, seems to confirm that –

    He was previously employed in the oil industry, of course, and wikipedia also notes:

    “In July 2013, following the report of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards Commission, Welby explained that senior bank executives avoided being given information about difficult issues to allow them to “plead ignorance.”

    He also said he would possibly have behaved in the same way and warned against punishing by naming and shaming individual bankers which he compared to the behaviour of a lynch mob.”

    He seems to want to want to run with the hare and the hounds. I suspect that, if he had to choose, he’d be voting with the hounds every time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. When I was growing up, it was common for the CofE to be described as the Tory party at prayer.

    Welby’s “meek” interventions are too late to be taken seriously. He is supposed to be a leader of the clergy, but I have seen no determined effort to use this as a means of leading the fight against hunger out into communities, that seems to be a role that is taken on by individual clergy.

    Welby is of the establishment, as the mere fact of his appointment against his privileged and connected background amply demonstrate. Eton now running the Church and State? That place needs to be razed to the ground (metaphorically). It’s the only way to free future generations of it’s abuse of the UK.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gosh your comment about the way people treat those on benefit was so true! I often lie about it now as people can make you feel yay high when you say you don’t work and I don’t feel I should have to justify it by reciting my entire medical history. Have been on DLA for two years and just found this capita have somehow messed up the home assessment I had six weeks ago and have got to do it again, which is very difficult.


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