Michael Moore Interviews Tony Benn – from the Documentary ‘Sicko’

It matters Not whether you loathed Been r loved him – Forget that. This post shows precisely HOW the NHS is being sold. Please READ before you judge, its a Blinder!

Beastrabban\'s Weblog

I found this clip of America’s Capped Crusader Michael Moore interviewing Tony Benn about the NHS on Youtube. It’s from Moore’s movie, Sicko, where he laid into America’s private health care system. Benn points out that it came from the experience of having no unemployment during the War. After the War, according to Benn, people began to wonder why there should be any unemployment in peace time either, when people could be employed building hospitals. Moore wonders that the NHS was built as far back as 1948, and expresses his admiration for the way the British all pulled together to build it. Benn states very clearly how popular the NHS is, to the point where even Thatcher had to say that it would be safe in the Tories’ hands. When Moore asks him what would have happened if Blair had tried to privatise it, Benn finishes for him by…

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